
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Will The Rain Stop

Hello Again,

  Well the question of the year " will the rain stop? "  All that I can say is that the rivers are very high right now and there is more rain on the way, it will not take much rain to keep the rivers up. The good thing is that the temps have not gotten high and the water is still a little on the cold side so there are still fish waiting for the warmer water to make their run to spawn.If the weather man is correct for a change there is rain in the forecast through the first week in May which will keep the rivers up , but if we only get little amounts of rain there may be a few places that will fish but the water will be a little high. We all can only hope that the rain and the amounts that they are calling for just don't make it to us so that we can get back to fishing and not looking at rivers that are so far up that we just can't fish.
   Tight Lines  Chris

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